Thursday, September 4, 2008

Amino Acid Therapy: Natural Treatment for Depression, Fatigue, Anxiety, and Extra Weight

Neurotransmitters are natural body chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. They regulate the transfer of electrical energy between the nerve cells in the nervous system. Low levels of these natural chemicals cause illness and disease.

Some diseases caused by neurotransmitter depletion are: Obesity, Anxiety, Depression, Migraine Headaches, Aggression, Inappropriate Anger, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, IBS, Crohn’s, PMS, Parkinsonism, Alzheimers, ADD/ADHD, and Adrenal Dysfunction.

At present, the standard treatment for neurotransmitter disease is prescription drugs. The problem is that these drugs are actually causing a further drop in neurotransmitter levels because they ”trick” the body into believing there are more neurotransmitters available to be used when in actuality the same amount available before treatment is being kept around longer for use, and when broken down the stores end up being lower.

It is known that certain drugs can cause a depletion of neurotransmitters. Some of these include: Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, Lexapro, Effexor, Imitrex, Nicotine, Wellbutrin, Amphetamines, Meridia, and Alcohol.

Prescription drugs simply move neurotransmitters from one area in the system to another. They move the neurotransmitters out of “storage” and into the synapse of the neuron so they can be utilized. In the synapse, neurotransmitters are broken down by enzymes (MAO and COMT) and then excreted by the kidneys. The more the neurotransmitters are pushed out of the “stores,” the more the enzyme activity that breaks these down is increased. Again, neurotransmitter dysfunction disease is due to lower levels of neurotransmitters. Therefore, the answer is not to move already low levels around like prescription drugs do, but to increase the low levels of neurotransmitters present.

Once in the body, neurotransmitters cannot cross the blood brain barrier to get back into the brain. The only way to raise the overall levels of neurotransmitters is to give the body the building blocks (amino acids, vitamins, and minerals) to make more. These building blocks do cross the blood brain barrier, and when synthesized, increase the overall level of neurotransmitters. This accomplishes what prescription drugs are unable to do and have been found to be extremely effective. Average group weight loss of 16.9 lbs. in the first month, 100% response in the treatment of depression, and 90% success rate with migraine headaches. Visit my website,, for contact information. And for further information on amino acids also visit


Anthony Diclemen said...

There are some natural herbs which help in curing or reducing anxiety attacks. These herbs have a long lasting effect without any side-effects. Other than that Some natural anxiety remedies to look into are St.John's Wort, SAMe, L-Theanine, and Tryptophan. There's also cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and programs like Panic Away and The Linden Method, to name a few. Hope this helps!

Ramesh said...

I think depression may cause some extra weight loss.